Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Cheesecake, anyone?

Imagine this: you pull up in your driveway one day after running errands and notice a box on your front step.  You bring the box inside, open it, and find CHEESECAKE!  Not just one, but TWO cheesecakes!
harry david cheesecake 1 photo harrydavidcheesecake1.jpg
That is just what happened to me last week thanks to Harry & David.

These petite birds' nest cheesecakes are just perfect for Easter and springtime.
(Side note: when springtime rolls around, I am a sucker for anything resembling a bird's nest.)

How sweet would these be to send to family if you can't be with them on Easter Sunday?  Not only cheesecakes, Harry & David has some of *the cutest* Easter gifts right now.

harry david cheesecake website photo harrydavidcheesecakewebsite.jpg
Each petite cheesecake is piled with chocolate shavings, topped with chocolate eggs, and serves about 4 people.

One of you lucky ducks is going to get a set of these cheesecakes for yourself or send to someone you love.

To Enter: leave a comment on this post telling me who you would send them to...or if you'd keep them for yourself. ;) (I'd totally keep them.)

Entries accepted through midnight CST March 13th. Psst...if you're reading this post in an email, click the post title to open in your web browser, then leave a comment on the post.

Winner: Diana, who said, "As much as I'd love to keep these for myself, there's a five year old in the house that can sense a cheesecake (or any sweets) a mile away so I'd at least have to share with him :)"

Good luck!!! 
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{Harry & David sent these cheesecakes to me free of charge.  The calories from consuming them, unfortunately, were not free. ;)}

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