Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Cookies for All Saints' Day

So last year, I posted these cookies ON All Saints' Day...and the how-to's in the days following.  Not the best if you want to MAKE the cookies for All Saints' Day.  Here's a reprise of the post, so you can get to baking.  
Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the post for links to the tutorials for all of the saint cookies shown here. 

*originally posted here, 11.01.13* 
Oh, when the saints go marching in!

how to make all saints day cookies, 5 designs in all
Ever since making these cookies for All Saints' Day a few year ago, I've wanted to try my hand at making actual saint cookies...piped and flooded without using images printed on frosting sheets.

Three years later, here we are.  Finally.  Is it sad that I've been wanting to make something like this and it's taken me THREE YEARS to do so?  Yes, yes it is.

how to make all saints day cookies, 5 designs in all
OK...first let me say that these designs come from one of my favorite etsy shops, Saintly Silver.  The owner makes felt saint dolls and they are the cutest little things ever. (PS: she's booked through Christmas already, so put your orders in for next year early.)

how to make all saints day cookies, 5 designs in all
Here are some of her pieces from her sold page.  So, you can see the cookie inspiration comes directly from her.  I love that they're so beautiful, but still really simple.  You guys know how much I love simple.

Making All Saints' Day cookies is really, really fun...and letting your kids choose which saints to create is a great way to get them involved.

For these cookies, I chose a few saints:

how to make all saints day cookies, 5 designs in all
St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and his feast day just happens to be on my birthday.

all saints day cookies, st. therese, the little features 5 saint cookie designs
St. Therese of Lisieux, also know as the Little Flower.  Patron saint of missions.

all saints day cookies, st. cecilia, patron saint of features 5 saint cookie designs
St. Cecilia, patron saint of music.  I always think of my sister the music major when I think of St. Cecilia.  (And, I just realized I've been spelling it "Cecelia" all these years.)

all saints day cookies, st. michael the features 5 saint cookie designs
St. Michael the Archangel, patron saint of grocers and police officers.  I love that grocers have a patron saint.

all saints day cookies, st. brigid (or st. bridget) of features 5 saint cookie designs
St. Brigid (or Bridget) of Ireland, how could I make saint cookies without a St. Brigid?  Her cookie was not my favorite since I messed up her cross, but this poem attributed to her IS one of my favorites. ;) How can you not love a saint who writes about beer?

all saints day cookies
Because I don't want this post to be 2 miles long and contain over 30 pictures, the how-to's are divided up in separate posts. See below.

 Do you have a favorite saint? 


Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

Sweet on Trader Joe's Saturday: Mini Ginger Pumpkin Ice Cream Mouthfuls

Yes, yes...we continue on with the pumpkin.
review: trader joe's ginger pumpkin ice cream mouthfuls

This week, kiddo and I review Trader Joe's Mini Ginger Pumpkin Ice Cream Mouthfuls.  In other words, mini ice cream sandwiches. 

Trader Joe's describes these as "pumpkin ice cream between ginger cookies."  A box of 12 mini cookies will set you back $3.99.

review: trader joe's ginger pumpkin ice cream mouthfuls
I was feeling pretty good about reviewing these since the cashier picked them up and said, "ooooohhhh" in a Homer Simpson-esque manner. 

review: trader joe's ginger pumpkin ice cream mouthfuls
A mom's (my) take:  Right away, you can tell that these aren't the prettiest ice cream sandwiches you've ever seen...but they might be the tastiest.  Creamy pumpkin ice cream is sandwiched between two of the softest and spiciest gingerbread cookies.  These are tiny, 2-3 bites, but they pack a flavorful punch. I've eaten a lot of treats and sweet from Trader Joe's (you may have noticed), and these might be my favorite so far.  I may go back and buy every single remaining box.  You know when you've had "one of those" day and you need a pick-me-up?  These.  You know when you get happy news and you want to celebrate?  These.  Who am I need no excuse to eat these.  Just do it.
Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars (x 10)

A teenager's (kiddo's) take: These are hands down the most flavorful ice cream sandwiches I've ever had. The flavor of the cookie is not subdued by its coldness or the ice cream within, but rather accented. The ice cream packs one heck of a punch when it comes to flavor and that classic ginger-y spice. I would also eat the entire box in a second.
Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Trader Joe's Mini Ginger Pumpkin Ice Cream Mouthfuls: you need them.  Or, if you shop at our Trader Joe's, you can leave them for us. ;)

review: trader joe's ginger pumpkin ice cream mouthfuls
Read all of our Trader Joe's dessert and sweet treat reviews!

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

Bells, er, (foot)balls and whistles...

OU Sooners football cookie set ... with tutorial for whistle cookie
There are certain things I've learned about writing a book.

1. Publishing a book is like having a baby.  You forget the work, the pain, the sleepless nights...once the baby is around, you think, "hey, that wasn't so bad...let's make another."  You only show people the cutest poopy diapers (baby), no dirty dishes stacked in the sink for three days (cookbook).  Hopefully, it was obvious which one of those was baby and cookbook. ;)

2. You'll have to swear to your copy editor that yes, there IS such a thing as white food coloring.

3. As soon as your book is sent to printing, you'll think of a million things you'd like to add. 

how to make whistle cookies
4.  Things get cut.  Like this whistle.  Oh, I loved this little whistle cookie.  With it's Twizzler cord, it stole my heart.  Well, there wasn't enough room in the book for every cookie, so this one ended up on the chopping block.

The good news, I can share it with you here!  If you have Decorating Cookies Party, this is goes perfectly with the Tailgate cookie set. 

The whistle cookie cutter comes from e.crandal.  I love their cookie well made and so unique.

how to make whistle cookies

Before you bake the cookies, use a straw to poke a hole in the cookies.  After they've baked, if the hole has closed up a bit, press the straw through the hole again just after they come out of the oven.

To make the ref whistle cookies, you'll need:

Use a #2 tip to outline the cookies in grey icing.

Reserve some of this outlining icing. Thin the rest of the grey icing and all of the white with water, a bit at a time, stirring with a silicone spatula, until it is the consistency of a thick syrup.  You'll want to drop a "ribbon" of icing back into the bowl and have it disappear in a count of "one thousand one, one thousand two." Four is too thick, one is too thin.  Count of 2-3 is good.  Cover with a damp dishcloth and let sit for several minutes.

Stir gently with a silicone spatula to pop and large air bubbles that have formed.  Pour into squeeze bottles.

Fill in the outline, using a toothpick to guide into the edges and to pop large air bubbles.  Let the icing dry for at least one hour.

Using the piping consistency icing again, pipe detail lines onto the whistles. 

Let the icing dry completely, 6-8 hours or overnight.

how to make whistle cookies
Once dry, mix a bit of luster dust with vodka and brush onto the bottom section of the whistle to give it dimension.

how to make whistle cookies ... perfect for a football cookie set!
how to make whistle cookies
Thread the licorice through the hole of the whistle and tie.

OU Sooners football cookie set ... with tutorial for whistle cookie

These cookies would be perfect for almost any sports theme or for a lifeguard.  I made these cookies for the OU/Texas football game.  Boomer Sooner! ♥ 


    Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

    Sweet on Trader Joe's Saturday: Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

    trader joe's pumpkin cream cheese muffins review
    I have to admit, at one time, I was obsessed with the Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin.  I dreamed about those muffins all year, and was at the door of Starbucks on September 1st when they returned.  My obsession has lessened a bit, but I was still so happy to see a Trader Joe's version of the PCCM.

    trader joe's pumpkin cream cheese muffins review

    Trader Joe's describes these muffins as "pumpkin cream cheese muffins with a delicious cream cheese filling and a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds."  A package of 4 muffins costs $3.99.

    trader joe's pumpkin cream cheese muffins review
    A mom's (my) take: The muffins are really pretty...I loved just looking at them in the package.  The pumpkin and spice flavors were right on the money and the ratio of cream cheese to muffin was perfect.  I found the muffins to be slightly dry, though.  Maybe it was just the batch we got...I ate two to be sure. ;)  I'd be willing to try again.
    Overall rating: 4 of 5 stars

    A teenager's (kiddo's) take: I think these are the perfect interpretation of what pumpkin cream cheese muffins are supposed to be like. The substantial, rich muffin is supplemented by a wonderfully flavorful (and also rich) cream cheese. I would not be opposed to having these more often. :)
    Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    trader joe's pumpkin cream cheese muffins review
    Trader Joe's Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins: we'd eat more.

    trader joe's pumpkin cream cheese muffins review
    Click to read all of our Trader Joe's dessert reviews.

    Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

    Decorating Cookies Party: Book Signing and Cookie Party Dates

    decorating cookies party: book signing dates (houston, tx)

    I would love, love, love to meet you and talk cookies (and Trader Joe's, and Real Housewives of Melbourne)!  I have three local Decorating Cookies Party events to tell you about...each one different and special in its own way.

    1. November 7th: Signatures Author Series Event
    This is where I'll be hanging out with Tyler Florence.  Well, we'll be in the same LARGE ballroom...does that count?  Anyhoo...this is a super neat event that one of the private schools in our area puts on as a fundraiser every year.  A bestselling author comes in to speak (they've had Katherine Stockett, Jodi Picoult, Candace Bushnell)...this year is Tyler Florence.  There's lunch, and a handful of local authors are invited to sign books as well.  I'll be there.  Come see me and we'll get brave and go talk to Tyler.  ;)  Signatures Author Series is a ticketed event. Click the link for more information.  The event takes place at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott.

    2. November 15th: Book Signing
    I'll be signing books at the Barnes & Noble in The Woodlands, TX from 1-3pm.  Come and go...I'll be the one at the table with the Sharpies...talking to myself.  I  might even bring cookies. ;)

    3. November 22nd: Cookie Party & Book Signing
    OK...this one is interactive.  Want to come decorate a cookie from the book?  Yes!  Yay!  Also in The Woodlands, Hubbell & Hudson Bistro has undergone some incredible renovations and we'll be some of the first people to utilize the new upstairs space along with the former Viking Cooking School Kitchen.  This is a ticketed event.  With each $25 ticket, you'll get to decorate a cookie from the book (to take home or EAT there), and receive a signed Decorating Cookies Party (no need to bring a book, it is included with the ticket).  To purchase a ticket, click below...must be purchased in advance (so I know how many cookies to bake.) :) Last day to buy tickets: November 18th.

    * SOLD OUT! *
    {This button is for the Cookie Party Signing #3...NOT the Signatures Author Series event.}

    Can't wait to SEE you!!!

    Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

    Spooky S'mores Bars

    spooky s'mores bars ... a thick cookie crust topped with milk chocolate and ghost marshmallow peeps
    Don't be scared!  These are only *the cutest* little s'mores campfire required!

    spooky s'mores bars ... a thick cookie crust topped with milk chocolate and ghost marshmallow peeps

    These Spooky S'mores Bars have a thick graham cracker cookie base, a layer of milk chocolate, and are topped with ghost-shaped Peeps marshmallows. 

    spooky smores crust photo spookysmoresbarsblog-11500.jpg
    The cookie layer is simple, and so good...graham cracker crumbs, oats, butter, etc.

    After that bakes, the cookie is topped with a layer of Hershey bars...yum!  Then, on go the Peeps.
    spooky s'mores bars ... a thick cookie crust topped with milk chocolate and ghost marshmallow peeps
    {Put them on upside-down since their faces will melt off under the is that for creepy?} ;)

    spooky s'mores bars ... a thick cookie crust topped with milk chocolate and ghost marshmallow peeps
    Don't worry...once the marshmallows cool, you can draw the faces on with a food coloring pen.

    spooky s'mores bars ... a thick cookie crust topped with milk chocolate and ghost marshmallow peeps

    I'm sharing the recipe over at Imperial Sugar.
    spooky s'mores bars ... a thick cookie crust topped with milk chocolate and ghost marshmallow peeps

    While you're at it, check out Imperial Sugar's Scary Scramble Recipe Contest...two $50 winners every day!

    spooky s'mores bars ... a thick cookie crust topped with milk chocolate and ghost marshmallow peeps
    Boo, y'all.

    Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

    Bakerella Does It Again: Cake Pops Halloween

    Have you heard?  Queen of Cake Pops, Queen of Cute, Angie Dudley, aka Bakerella, has a new book out: Cake Pops Halloween.

    Cake Pops Halloween by Angie Dudley (Bakerella)
    I'm telling you....if you love to make festive, sweet treats for the season, you'll want this book.  Order the Kindle version of Cake Pops Halloween: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes for 20 Spooktacular Treats and have it in your hot little hands right now!

    The 96-page print edition is available exclusively from Chronicle Books. 

    Cake Pops Halloween by Angie Dudley (Bakerella)
    So, if you've never made cake pops before, or maybe you feel like you need some help, Bakerella has you covered with complete how-to's plus recipes.

    Then, there are the pops themselves.  I mean, I was hooked just from the cover.  That Dracula...ohmygosh.  So cute.

    Cake Pops Halloween by Angie Dudley (Bakerella)
    I flipped to page 67.  Black Cat Candy Buckets!!!  *squee* You doesn't get much cuter than that. 

    Cake Pops Halloween by Angie Dudley (Bakerella)
    Bakerella has this incredibly creative mind.  Her way of making a cake pop into a work of art is unparallelled.  The way she uses sprinkles and textures is inspiring to me...not just for cake pops, but for cookies as well. 

    Cake Pops Halloween by Angie Dudley (Bakerella)
    Bottom line: if you like cute and festive treats, you'll love Cake Pops Halloween!

    Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

    Sweet on Trader Joe's Saturday: Pumpkin Joe-Joe's

    I remember when kiddo was a baby and he loved eating pureed sweet potatoes and squash and carrots so much that his little nose turned orange.  Well, I'm a little afraid the same will happen to me with all of the pumpkin goodies I've been consuming lately.

    a review of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Joe-Joe's

    This week, kiddo and I are reviewing Trader Joe's PUMPKIN Joe-Joe's.

    Joe-Joe's are a filled sandwich cookie...their version of Oreos.  Trader Joe's describes these as "crispy pumpkin cookies with pumpkin cream filling."  A 10.5-ounce box costs $2.99.

    a review of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Joe-Joe's
    When we stopped in Trader Joe's this week, we had a friend with us and decided we needed to break into these babies in the car, hence the box-outside-the-store picture. ;)

    a review of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Joe-Joe's
    A mom's (my) take: The cookies themselves are nice and crispy and there's a good amount of filling here.  Lightly spiced, these cookies are quite tasty.  That said, I'm not sure I'd be tempted to buy them again.
    Overall rating: 4 of 5 stars

    A teenager's (kiddo's) take: A very sweet and flavorful variation of the traditional Joe-Joe. The luscious filling perfectly complements the light cookie. However, I'm not tempted to eat the entire box, either.
    Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

    a review of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Joe-Joe's
    Trader Joe's PUMPKIN Joe-Joe's: We liked 'em.

    Read all of our Trader Joe's dessert reviews!

    Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

    Ombre Pumpkin Cookies

    Y'all know my philosophy on cookies.  Less time decorating, more time eating.  It's really my life's motto...spend as much time eating cookies as possible.
    ombre pumpkin cookies from @bakeat350

    Here's a super simple decorated cookie idea for you: ombre pumpkin cookies. 

    ombre pumpkin cookies from @bakeat350
    You'll just basically use one color icing for the main part of the pumpkins, in 4 shades.  I started with a medium shade, then added a little bit of it to white icing to make a couple shades lighter, and added a bit more food coloring in another bowl to make a shade darker.

    ombre pumpkin cookies icing photo ombrepumpkincookiestint-1.jpg
    For this orange, I used AmeriColor Orange and Ivory.

    For the stem and tendril, I used AmeriColor Avocado.  This is only because I'm out of Leaf Green and it was too late to run to Hobby Lobby.

    ombre pumpkin cookies from @bakeat350
    I made the cut-out cookies the day before, so decorating went really quickly.

    Make your royal icing and tint.  Then, use a #2 tip to outline the sections of the pumpkin.  (You can even use a food coloring marker to draw on lines before piping...I did this for some of the cookies.)

    Thin the icing with water, a bit at a time, stirring with a silicone spatula, until it is the consistency of a thick syrup.  You'll want to drop a "ribbon" of icing back into the bowl and have it disappear in a count of "one thousand one, one thousand two." Four is too thick, one is too thin.  Count of 2-3 is good.  Cover with a damp dishcloth and let sit for several minutes.

    Stir gently with a silicone spatula to pop and large air bubbles that have formed.  Pour into squeeze bottles.

    making ombre pumpkin cookies from @bakeat350
    Fill in the outlined sections, using a toothpick to guide to the edges and pop large air bubbles.

    I really wanted the colors to be right up next to each other as opposed to separated by big outlines, so I brought the thinned flood icing right up over the outlines.  To prevent the colors running, I flooded areas that weren't touching, let them set a bit, then flooded the adjacent colors. 

    Once the icing has dried about an hour, add the stem and tendril in green using a #1 tip.

    ombre pumpkin cookies from @bakeat350
    I think these cookies would be super cute in shades of green or pink, too!

    Psst...don't forget the super fabulous giveaway on the blog right now as well as ANOTHER KitchenAid Stand Mixer giveaway from my friend Add a Pinch. Woot!

    ombre pumpkin cookies from @bakeat350