Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Bellying Up to the Bar: Pure Barre

Before you go thinking I'm crazy (crazier than usual) blogging about EXERCISE when it's the season for gingerbread cookies...hear me out.

pure barre cookies #purebarre from @bakeat350
{You may recognize these sayings if you've ever been to Pure Barre class.}

Have you heard of Pure Barre?   I can't wait to tell you about it.  First things first, though.

pure barre cookies #purebarre from @bakeat350
ONE: I am not an exerciser by nature.  My sister loves to workout....me?  I love to cuddle up with a quilt and a good book.

TWO: I'm sure that if little girls could be kicked out of ballet class, I would have been the first one out.  I'm pigeon-toed and those ballet positions just were not happening for me. 

THREE: I am not flexible or coordinated AT ALL.  As a matter of fact, in high school, I tried out for drill team and was rejected all four years.  Oh, that still stings a little...my poor teenage self.

{You get the point.}

pure barre cookies #purebarre from @bakeat350
I happened to be texting with my adorable friend Terri who told me that Pure Barre has "transformed" her body.  Running had NOT "transformed" my body.  (The only thing lately that has transformed my body is that Haagen-Dazs salted caramel gelato.  Oh my gosh.)

So, I did a little search to see if there was a studio near me.  Um, it was opening the NEXT DAY, in my neighborhood.  I call that a sign.

pure barre cookies #purebarre from @bakeat350
I tried one of the free classes on opening day.  Y'all...I'll be honest.  I said a few bad words.  Oh, my WORD...how could moving my leg an INCH up and down hurt so much?  When I got home and realized that every muscle in my body felt like Jello, I knew I had to go back.

pure barre cookies #purebarre from @bakeat350
For 6 weeks, I've been going to Pure Barre.  (You should know...there is no jumping and no dancing, just teeny tiny movements...and lots of "Tucking.")  The results?  The very first thing I noticed a few classes in was that if I stood in a certain light with my arm angled just a certain way, I could see a muscle of some sort.  Now, I can see definition in my arms without standing in that certain light.

I can do a plank push-up.  Not a ton, but I can do them.  I don't think I've ever done a push-up not on my knees in my entire life.

I haven't lost any weight, but I've lost a few inches.  That's something that I never saw with running.

One more thing I love...and this I didn't expect...I love that I can think of NOTHING ELSE but those movements for 55 minutes.  No thinking about cookie designs, or laundry, or what's for dinner that night. 

pure barre cookies #purebarre from @bakeat350
Most of all, I've just grown to love the people at Pure Barre.  The instructors make an effort to learn everyone's name...and they are so encouraging.  I look forward to seeing their smiling faces...even when I know what's coming.  There's no awkwardness, no comparing...just one amazing workout.

When the manager of my local studio (in The Woodlands, TX) asked if I'd like to come in, bring some cookies, and sign some books for the holidays...I said OF COURSE! (How can you not love a work out studio that loves cookies?!?)

pure barre cookies ad photo pure-barre-ad.jpg
{photo credit: pure barre}

The Woodlands studio is offering a FREE class just for you.  The class is this Thursday night (the 12th) at 7:00pm.  You'll need to register online.  I heard through the grapevine that there is a wait-list, but if you sign up, come by and have a cookie, you'll get a pass to take another class for free.  And (AND!), there will be a drawing for a couple of AWESOME prizes for those attending.  (Think: packages of classes!  Woot!)

pure barre cookies #purebarre from @bakeat350
 {Ah, this is my favorite...the "final 10." ;)}

OK.  Tell me.  Have you taken Pure Barre?  Are you addicted?  Do you want to try it?  

To make the Pure Barre cookies, I used: 

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